High reliability calculator incorporates ease of use with advanced features.
Performs trigonometric functions, logarithms, roots, powers, reciprocals, and factorials.
Polar/rectangular conversions.
1-variable statistics include results for mean, standard deviation, and unbiased standard deviation.
Physical and user defined constants.
Binary, hexadecimal and octal numbers.
Unit conversions.
Useful resources at: http://www.xyzcalculator.com
The following text highlights functions and tactile usage.
Interface Usage:
Copy to clipboard
Swipe left on the numeric display.
Erase last entered digit: Swipe right on numeric display.
Display Format
Tap on the numeric display to toggle between floating decimal and EE format.
Convert decimal degrees to degrees:minutes:seconds
Long-tap the degree button.
Store : Long-tap numeric display
Recall : Long-tap numeric key containing desired stored value
Erase : Swipe down on desired numeric key to erase its stored value
Clear All : Long-tap the AC button.